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Marijuana Party of Canada Thread views: 416 *Threaded Mode

6/20/04 11:03 PM
Layton sucks new [Post#: 3855 ] Reply to this post

Look trough that letter. It's the generic email from Layton's team.

Dear xx:

Thank you for contacting the NDP.

The NDP is still very much in favour of decriminalization of marijuana;
in fact it is clearly written in our platform at .

We support the possession of cannabis to be made legal, in the case of
medical use of the drug as prescribed by a physician.
would mean that parties found in guilty of possession of cannabis would
be charged civilly (i.e.: fined) not criminally (i.e.: given a criminal

We want Canada to take steps that reflect a more intelligent and
compassionate direction on marijuana use. Not only have our courts
differently on medical marijuana and our government responded
accordingly but also there is a growing chorus of established opinion
for a different approach to the possession of marijuana for personal

I invite you to check the parliamentary website at: to
find our response to Bill C-10, An Act to amend the Contraventions Act
and the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act. The NDP had hoped Bill
C-10 would be a first step in recognizing the harms associated with a
prohibitionist policy towards marijuana but it fell short of the
government's promises of decriminalization.

If you have anymore questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.


Jack Layton and today's NDP
New energy. A positive choice.
Jack Layton et le NPD.
Un force nouvelle. Un choix positif.;

(stranger )
6/21/04 04:07 AM
Re: Layton sucks new [Post#: 3857 / re: 3855 ] Reply to this post

jack shit thats what the ndp have to ofer
they are for decrim just bullshiters
a crime is only when you harm another
hes a jack russell terorier

(stranger )
6/21/04 04:15 AM
Re: Layton sucks new [Post#: 3858 / re: 3857 ] Reply to this post

bill c-10 the ndp where all for it also .14 years for dealers and growers how scarey when a murder get out first aqnd gets his house to keep.
the laws are made by the rich for the rich to control the unjust the laws are when the harmless get harmed.

6/21/04 11:58 AM
Re: Layton sucks [Post#: 3860 / re: 3855 ] Reply to this post

for there is a difference now. There is a political party there for you to Vote for. Vote for the only party standing up strong and free for REPEAL of prohibition. Vote for the political party with a realistic platform that effects all the issues.

Vote for the only party that refuses to lock up 70,000 canadians a year for enjoying something no different than a Maple tree dancing in the winds.

Vote for the only political party that has REPEAL right there on page one of the web site, not one paragraph down on page 56 somewhere on the website .

Vote for the party that the Fraser institute says has a real platform, that actually saves the taxed Voter money.

Vote for the only political party that has a real plan to create new industries. Vote for the party that has the best environmental platform there is. Vote for the only political party composed of ordinary people just like you.

Vote for yourself, your family, your friends, your community, your province and your country named Canada!

Make your Vote count for something and VOTE MARIJUANA PARTY of CANADA!

Support REPEAL OF PROHIBITION not draconian Recrim or hoakie decrim. VOTE MARIJUANA PARTY!

6/21/04 12:04 PM
Re: Layton sucks new [Post#: 3864 / re: 3858 ] Reply to this post

the "election promises of the jack harper are just like the election promises of the steven martin, and both of those are just like the election promises of the Paul layton!

Don't worry, when the ndwhatever abandon all after the election and say absolutely nothing at all about REPEAL, the

Marijuana Party will still be there fighting for REPEAL like other parties fight for TAX and SPENDING Canada to death.

it always has been that way.

and LOL the ndwhatever hovering at 15% in the polls will never form the government so , they will never REPEAL prohibition , just like they never repealed it in BC, Manitoba or Sask.

In those provinces when they were in power they continued to lock people up with serial killers and rapists, thats the real ndwhatever position on Prohibition, they like it.

The Marijuana Party on the other hand says NO to Prohibition in a LOUD VOICE!

This election there is a difference, there is a party that cares, and does not want to TAX and SPEND Canada to death.

This election forget all the "election promises" and stick to the facts, make your Vote count and


Support REPEAL OF PROHIBITION not draconian Recrim or hoakie decrim. VOTE MARIJUANA PARTY!

6/21/04 10:00 PM
Re: Layton sucks new [Post#: 3871 / re: 3858 ] Reply to this post

During the time ndp was provincally in power in bc. As they were over spending for ferries, casinos and other government funded programs. Even having the dea increase there presence in bc. Do you remeber when CC members had rallys in front of dea offices in vancouver. But during ndp,s time helpin in the war on drugs, how many females went missing from east end vancoucer to willys pig farm. Maybe mj does cause short term memory. Eh, too some of the cc members. After thinking about how much crap we saw from the ndp in bc,i just cant lower myself to their level. Jack Layton or not, just for the missing women of east end, i couldnt. No matter how much money a party has wasted or scammed, nothin brings back the women that willy got a hold of. As grow ops gettin busted, 97 cafes, marc seed bank, just cant trust it. Good luck guys and girls in this election,

6/21/04 11:45 PM
Re: Layton sucks new [Post#: 3872 / re: 3871 ] Reply to this post

yes, how sad, that at the time they had hundreds of police that were persecuting joe innocent Canadian for possesing a plant no different than a dogwood soaking up the sunshine on the pacific coast, they did absolutely nothing about that sickening farm.

I lived in couquitlam for a while under that big money wantabe political party, and I myself could never lower myself to voting for them either.

Support REPEAL OF PROHIBITION not draconian Recrim or hoakie decrim. VOTE MARIJUANA PARTY!

6/21/04 11:49 PM
Re: Layton sucks new [Post#: 3873 / re: 3872 ] Reply to this post

ir reminds me of the CONservative government here, over 6 months ago I poste don our web site how there were women missing here in Alberta, 7 months ago the CONs here put together a task force . . . to go after the farmers sons growing hemp. . . at the same time they put t h r e e officers to work on the missing women.

finally this election they are putting a task force to gether to deal with the serial killer here.
Sad that they waited so long and put so much money and resources into persecuting innocent people enjoying their charter rights as guarenteed by Rule of Law, while the real criminals kept on harming.

Support REPEAL OF PROHIBITION not draconian Recrim or hoakie decrim. VOTE MARIJUANA PARTY!

6/24/04 03:52 AM
Re: Layton sucks new [Post#: 3927 / re: 3871 ] Reply to this post

yes it is not just jack harper, its all of the ndwhatever!

Support REPEAL OF PROHIBITION not draconian Recrim or hoakie decrim. VOTE MARIJUANA PARTY!

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